Following the Interim Conference the project coordination will now start with the development of the guidelines. Important statements will be discussed with international experts via two rounds of an online Delphi study, in order to gain consent on what needs to be included in the guidelines. The study participants will have the opportunity to agree or disagree with suggested statements or recommendations and provide arguments for either position. In the second round everyone will get the chance to adjust their opinion, based on the results of the first one.
In this phase all partners, experts and other stakeholders are strongly encouraged to provide input and suggest changes and improvements to the guidelines.
For further discussion experts on prevention and web-based methods are invited to join “Click for Support’s” LinkedIn-network, whose members will be automatically included in the Delphi study. For those who would like to participate in the Delphi study, but are opposed to joining the network, please send an email to the project coordination.
The final guidelines will be available after the Final Conference of the project from June 8th until June 10th 2015 in Münster, Germany.
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