Click for Support
REALized: European Web-based intervention for NPS consumers
As we had our final conference in Münster from 14-16 november, the project reached it's closure. You can read all about it in the final and third newsletter.
Now that Mindyourtrip.eu is online through www.mindyourtrip.eu, we’ve also published some must-reads on how we worked on the project and web-based intervention over the last few months.
As of Monday 11 June, the web-based intervention ‘Mind Your Trip’, developed in the frame of the ‘Click for Support - REALized’ project (co-funded by the European Union), is launched online and in Apple- and Android app stores.
Since the first project Workshop in Riga in June 2017, all project partners have been working hard to develop the contents for their national websites, while Dutch IT company Wild Sea has been technically developing the website and application for mobile devices for the web-based intervention ‘Mi
As the Web Based Intervention of the project is designed and being created so are all the promotional materials for the project.
For the ‘Click for Support – REALized’ project, all 13 project partners have conducted online and offline national research for finding examples of good practices in the drug prevention field, focused or partially focused on NPS.
The last few months all project partners reached out to the target group of young NPS consumers. The purpose was to directly involve the target group and receive feedback from them for the development of a web-based intervention for New Psychoactive Substances (NPS).
As the project progresses, some first deadlines are coming to an end and some first milestones are reached.
The Questionnaire for NPS users is online and can be filled in by the target group of young NPS users.
When the Click For Support project ended in 2015 all members of Euronet agreed that the next logical step would be to develop a web-based intervention based on our guidelines from Click For Support.