Guidelines for web-based selective drug prevention

In the first phase of the project the project partners are researching national web-based interventions for youngsters on illicit drugs. The different interventions will be assessed and in a second phase workshops will be organised with young drug consumers. 

The main objective of these workshops is to gahter feedback from young drug consumers on the identified web-based interventions. Their opinions, their needs and wishes regarding such interventions and offers is a very important aspect in developing the guidelines. The results of the research and the workshops will be summarized. 

In a next phase three best-practice examples will be chosen and presented at the Interim conference in Greece. Afterwards a first draft of the guidelines will be developed. After gaining feedback from all project partners and other prevention experts through two Delphi rounds the guidelines will be adjusted accordingly. 

The guidelines will be presented at the final conference in Münster and the national conferences in all partner countries. The dissemination of the guidelines should continue beyond the end of the project.