The objective of the EU-funded project “Click for Support” is to develop guidelines for effective web-based interventions for young people in the field of illicit drugs.
The first phase of the project “Click for Support” consisted of two parts: On the one hand the research of national web-based interventions (WBIs) which resulted in 45 different examples from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia and Slovakia, plus seven additional examples beyond the partner countries (52 in total) and on the other hand the assessment of web-based interventions together with the target group. The target group is young people, aged between 14 and 21 years, with a risky consumption of illicit drugs.
After this phase of the project the partners produced country reports that are summarized by the project coordination in the attached document.
The second chapter of this summary covers the research phase in the 13 “Click for Support”-partner countries and the international research of the project coordination, the third chapter reports about the assessment workshops with the target group. In chapter 4 an overall conclusion is drawn for the first project phase and the fifth and last chapter summarizes the further procedure of the project, including important key aspects and remarks that the partners recommended to include in the guidelines.
You can read more on the research and assement phase in the Summary:FinalSummary.pdf