Click for Support News

guideline click for support
26Aug 2015

Final Click for Support - Guideline


New technologies and modern media play an important role in the daily life and communication of young people. According to the EMCDDA there is a general lack of services in Europe addressing young people using illicit drugs. Most existing offers provide adult-oriented services.

16Jun 2015

“Click for Support” – Final conference

This week the final conference of the European project “Click for Support” organized by the LWL-Coordination Office for Drug-Related Issues took place in the city of Muenster, Germany.

summary country reports
click for support, project, guidelines for web-based interventions
16Jan 2015

Next steps

Following the Interim Conference the project coordination will now start with the development of the guidelines. Important statements will be discussed with international experts via two rounds of an online Delphi study, in order to gain consent on what needs to be included in the guidelines.

Click for Support, Interim Conference Athens
16Jan 2015

Interim Conference in Athens

From Dec. 3rd to Dec. 5th the Interim Conference of “Click for Support” took place in Athens, Greece. After the first phase of the project, the project team now had the chance to discuss the results with the entire group.

Click for Support conference Athens
A first impression of the national researches
18Jun 2014

A first impression of the national researches

In the current phase of the project our 13 partners in Belgium, the Netherlands, Finland, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Austria, Luxembourg and Germany are busy researching national web-based interventions and prevention offers.

19Mar 2014

Kick-off "Click for Support"

The project "Click for Support" finally kicked off in Belgium. The main goal of the project is to develop guidelines for web-based interventions for young consumers in the field of illicit drugs.

02Feb 2014

Kick-off scheduled in Belgium

The project will kick off in Belgium on the 26th and 27th of february in the lovely commandery of Alden Biesen, Bilzen (Belgium). All project partners will be invited to the kick-off where the first project steps will be discussed.

01Jan 2014

"Click for Support" approved

The project "Click for Support" that was submitted by the euronet network has been approved by the European Comission (DG Justice). The main objective of this project is to develop guidelines for web-based interventions on illicit drugs for young consumers.
